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The Phone Works Both Ways, Alexis Rileigh
The LoversThe Phone Works Both Ways, Alexis RileighBy Lex Owens Issue 20 I speak to you in hymns, in ballet shoes and threadbare tutus. I dance around the topic until I can’t feel my feet. I only speak when spoken to; I’m lost in the other realm tonight. I turn back...
Sour Apples, Sweet Return
The LoversSour Apples, Sweet ReturnBy Rachel Goulston Issue 20 In July the apples were still sour The grass below littered with red spots Remnants of apples plucked Once bitten and dropped Rolling onto the asphalt Crushed under spinning wheels Hurtling towards...
Reap What You Sow
The VillageReap What You SowBy Raven Tucker Issue 20 • Artist's Statement: Hey y’all! I'm a native South Carolinian, artist, scientist, and lover of life infatuated with beauty from all sides. My training in both science and art led to my understanding of growth...
Mermaids on The Moon
The VillageMermaids On The MoonBy Rachel Goulston Issue 17 The first Black mermaid is centuries old Before we were ripped from the waves We were sirens And nymphs Amphibious even — to the untrained eye That looked upon us with a quizzical gaze When whiteness was...
A Nostalgic Nightmare, A Democratic Dream on Hold
The VillageA Nostalgic Nightmare, A Democratic Dream On HoldBy Yumna ElhdariSource : BuzzFeed As I begin to contemplate the beginning of this story, I realize that there isn’t one, or maybe not one I can exactly define. I envision a string of hope that is formulated...
Black Study, Community, Media, and Memory: An Interview with Taylor Dews
The VillageBlack Study, Community, Media, and Memory: An Interview With Taylor DewsBy Cecilia InnisTaylor dews Taylor Dews describes herself as a bit of a nomad. She’s lived in Detroit, Michigan, Blacksburg, Virginia, and Chesapeake, Virginia; attended undergrad in...
Why The Riddler Should’ve Been A Black Woman
The VillageWhy The Riddler Should've Been A Black WomanBy Ava EmilioneDesign by Yumna ElhdariIn discussions surrounding representation, we often hear the exasperated cry from the black community: Let black women be heroes, the good guys. Let them be redeemable,...
The Beauty Salon: Truths From a Tender Head
The VillageThe Beauty Salon: Truths From A Tender HeadBy Payton Selby Issue 17; Photos by Zelle Westfall Photo By Zelle WestfallHer eyes traced between my mother and me as if to give me the illusion of choice while simultaneously assuring mom would get the final say....